About Me
Thanks for stopping by!
Here's a little bit about me and why I created Preggo Kitchen:
Cooking has been a joy of mine for about 12 years. After getting my Master's in Nutrition Education I began working with local nonprofits, and it was these experiences that showed me how food and cooking play a critical role in so many things- sustainability, health, food security, and community. The fact that one meal can have such an impact is such an incredible thing to me!
I'm currently pregnant with my first child (a baby boy!) and when I started my pregnancy journey I immediately began reading all the books and blogs and amassing a Google history indicative of someone who is clearly clueless when it comes to babies. I read about the importance of nutrients like choline and folic acid and omega-3s from low-mercury fish and, as far as I knew, recipes with those nutrients weren't in my arsenal. My body was also experiencing new things- fun stuff like morning sickness and leg cramps- and I had no idea how to treat them. After lots and lots of research I have answered a lot of my questions, and I want Preggo Kitchen to be a trusted one-stop resource for other moms-to-be so they don't have to do that work. I want this to be a space where anyone wondering how food can support their pregnancy can find some answers.
First and foremost, I believe cooking should be fun and flexible. Everyone is different when it comes to ability, time, and resources and I've tried my best to make sure my recipes reflect that. My goal for Preggo Kitchen is to empower pregnant women who are looking for a little extra support during their 9-month journey, and if that's you, I'm so glad you're here!